This week for maths, we created our own 3 dimensional shapes. Last week we created a plan as to how we would create these shapes, and now it was the time to put the parts together. My shape I created was a pentagonal prism, with a capacity different to it's volume. The way we created these shapes was to use a net (An unfolded 3D shape) that we would fold to make our 2D net turn into a 3D shape. Our net needed to include small tab, which we would glue on, and press onto the sides to allow the shape to hold together. The next part to our work was to create an instructional video that showed people how to make one of these shapes. For this part I worked with Alex (Who voiced the video), Julian (Who was acting / folding in the video), and I was recording and editing the video.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Maths: Making 3 Dimensional Shapes
L.I: To create my own 3D shape with a different capacity from volume
This week for maths, we created our own 3 dimensional shapes. Last week we created a plan as to how we would create these shapes, and now it was the time to put the parts together. My shape I created was a pentagonal prism, with a capacity different to it's volume. The way we created these shapes was to use a net (An unfolded 3D shape) that we would fold to make our 2D net turn into a 3D shape. Our net needed to include small tab, which we would glue on, and press onto the sides to allow the shape to hold together. The next part to our work was to create an instructional video that showed people how to make one of these shapes. For this part I worked with Alex (Who voiced the video), Julian (Who was acting / folding in the video), and I was recording and editing the video.
This week for maths, we created our own 3 dimensional shapes. Last week we created a plan as to how we would create these shapes, and now it was the time to put the parts together. My shape I created was a pentagonal prism, with a capacity different to it's volume. The way we created these shapes was to use a net (An unfolded 3D shape) that we would fold to make our 2D net turn into a 3D shape. Our net needed to include small tab, which we would glue on, and press onto the sides to allow the shape to hold together. The next part to our work was to create an instructional video that showed people how to make one of these shapes. For this part I worked with Alex (Who voiced the video), Julian (Who was acting / folding in the video), and I was recording and editing the video.
Folding Nets,
Inquiry: Hauora Animation
L.I: There Was No Learning Intension
This week for inquiry, we had to make animation/s or video/s that showed people about what Hauora is to people. What I had done for this weeks work was create an animation, and I made a single animation that showed all of the parts for Hauora. This animation I've made is my longest animation, and I think the best animation I've made so far. I had a lot of fun making this animation, and how it's turned out is what I like the most.
This week for inquiry, we had to make animation/s or video/s that showed people about what Hauora is to people. What I had done for this weeks work was create an animation, and I made a single animation that showed all of the parts for Hauora. This animation I've made is my longest animation, and I think the best animation I've made so far. I had a lot of fun making this animation, and how it's turned out is what I like the most.
Writing: 1 Minute Technology Speech
L.I: Having a point of view and constructing an argument.
L.I: Structure of an argument
This week for writing, we started making small speeches as for preparation to our real speech we'll be presenting to the school. Our must do was to create a speech that we hypothetically agreed, or disagreed with. Our topic for this speech was whether we should have technology in schools, and to make my speech more interesting, I chose to make mine about why we shouldn't have technology in school, even though I am one of the many people that use technology a lot of the time. Our speech needed to include our point of view to the topic, and why it is a bad / good thing to possibly be changed.
Link To My Speech Video Video Recorded On FlipGrid
My Actual Speech If I Wasn't Clear Enough
Technology shouldn’t be in schools, there are many reasons why. A lot of children decide to not follow along with their work, but instead they choose to do things that they would rather do, e.g play games, email their friends, etc. Technology can take away the time that children have to learn when technology randomly doesn't work the way it’s supposed to. There are many many commands that children don’t understand, if they trigger these inputted commands, it could lead to a series of events. Their computer, iPad or phone can mess up easily any time when not used the correct way. They’re also really expensive, and that can change the way a child’s living conditions are. A lot of families cannot afford these expensive, fragile items. Handwriting as well is something that has affected the original education system. Children have forgotten about their old way of learning, and it has changed what they previously knew. The possibility of children learning digitally is not a complete set of education to the child.
L.I: Structure of an argument
This week for writing, we started making small speeches as for preparation to our real speech we'll be presenting to the school. Our must do was to create a speech that we hypothetically agreed, or disagreed with. Our topic for this speech was whether we should have technology in schools, and to make my speech more interesting, I chose to make mine about why we shouldn't have technology in school, even though I am one of the many people that use technology a lot of the time. Our speech needed to include our point of view to the topic, and why it is a bad / good thing to possibly be changed.
Link To My Speech Video Video Recorded On FlipGrid
My Actual Speech If I Wasn't Clear Enough
Technology shouldn’t be in schools, there are many reasons why. A lot of children decide to not follow along with their work, but instead they choose to do things that they would rather do, e.g play games, email their friends, etc. Technology can take away the time that children have to learn when technology randomly doesn't work the way it’s supposed to. There are many many commands that children don’t understand, if they trigger these inputted commands, it could lead to a series of events. Their computer, iPad or phone can mess up easily any time when not used the correct way. They’re also really expensive, and that can change the way a child’s living conditions are. A lot of families cannot afford these expensive, fragile items. Handwriting as well is something that has affected the original education system. Children have forgotten about their old way of learning, and it has changed what they previously knew. The possibility of children learning digitally is not a complete set of education to the child.
Persuasive Speeches,
Other: FreeRice
Today I played the synonym edition for free rice. In the end I managed to donate 1010 grains of rice, meaning I answered 101 questions correctly!
Blog Commenting: My Comment I've Posted
Today I posted a comment on Alex's blogpost showing a poster he made about why possums shouldn't be in New Zealand.
Blogpost Link: Click Here
My Comment:
Blogpost Link: Click Here
My Comment:
Blog commenting
Reading: Possum Problem Poster
L.I: to separate fact from opinion
L.I: to identify the main ideas in a text
This week for reading, we read a text talking about why possums are a problem to New Zealand. As an activity to this topic we had to either agree with the text, or disagree with it. With our opinion for this topic, we had to create a poster that showed our point of view, and our reasons for what we think. In my poster I included that I think possums should be gone. My reason for this is within the poster
L.I: to identify the main ideas in a text
This week for reading, we read a text talking about why possums are a problem to New Zealand. As an activity to this topic we had to either agree with the text, or disagree with it. With our opinion for this topic, we had to create a poster that showed our point of view, and our reasons for what we think. In my poster I included that I think possums should be gone. My reason for this is within the poster
Thursday, 24 August 2017
KiwiSport: Run Jump Throw
Today we did our KiwiSport for week 5. This week our focus was about the way we jump. We learnt that when you jump you have your legs in line with your shoulders, swing your arms back, and look straight. Although before we could do any of that, we played octopus as a warm up. I enjoyed this weeks KiwiSport session. We all learnt a lot about the correct way to jump, and hopefully we'll remember for next time.
Run Jump Throw
Maths: Making Our Own 2D Nets
L.I: To create my own 3D shape with a different capacity from volume.
This week for maths, we created our own nets for a 3D shape. A net is the unfolded version of a 3 dimensional shape. We had to get the measurements for each side, the volume of the shape, the capacity of the shape, and we needed to include tabs to show what parts you would join together. I also decided to draw what the shape would look like from the top, the left side, and the right side.
This week for maths, we created our own nets for a 3D shape. A net is the unfolded version of a 3 dimensional shape. We had to get the measurements for each side, the volume of the shape, the capacity of the shape, and we needed to include tabs to show what parts you would join together. I also decided to draw what the shape would look like from the top, the left side, and the right side.
Writing: Point Of View Paragraphs
L.I: what is a point of view
This week for writing, we've been learning about point of view. So with this being our theme, we had to make ourselves a 2 paragraph text, with a topic that you want to make an argument about. Each person in our group had to create one of these, and we had to read everyone's paragraphs in our groups, and either agree or disagree with his / her argument.
My Paragraphs.
This week for writing, we've been learning about point of view. So with this being our theme, we had to make ourselves a 2 paragraph text, with a topic that you want to make an argument about. Each person in our group had to create one of these, and we had to read everyone's paragraphs in our groups, and either agree or disagree with his / her argument.
My Paragraphs.
My Problem: Plagiarism
School Plagiarism:
Plagiarism, it’s a big problem. Not only does it happen in school, but outside of school as well. Plagiarism is just a synonym for cheating, or for more detail, taking someone's work, and not giving credit to the rightful owner. In school plagiarism is one of the worst things you can do. You need to write a paragraph about World War 1? Some people would search up about it, find a website, and copy and paste the information into their work. It looks like you made a great example, until if you’re told to add more information to it while demonstrating to other people. That’s one case of plagiarism, there are many many ways to plagiarise people work.
Online Plagiarism:
This type of plagiarism can be worse in most cases. Online plagiarism is very risky, because of what the consequences can be. If you steal someone’s work without consent of allowance, you can possibly have to pay a fine. This can also happen with imposters, if they pretend to be someone, then they need to pretend that they own everything of the person they’re imposing. In this case things can get very bad very fast. The consequences can be things as bad as going to jail over stealing work, and identity. Besides stealing online work, or imposing other people, there are many more ways that you could plagiarise. Who knows, you may even have a piece of work that you don’t own, and you don’t even realise what you’ve done. What I want is for no one to plagiarise anyone, I hope you agree as well.
Point Of View,
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
KiwiCan: KiwiCan Week 5
Today we had our KiwiCan week 5 lesson. We are still learning about our emotions, and we're still learning about controlling our thoughts. We played two small games, a game were we had to stand in small circles and try to roll a tennis ball through each persons legs, and a game where everyone stood in a circle, number 1 - 4, and if your number was called you run into the centre trying not to get hit with a dodge ball. When you weren't in the centre you had to roll the ball to keep people from getting hurt. We all had fun today, and we especially enjoyed our games.
Daily 6: Keyboarding Drills Level 1
Today I did the level 1 keyboarding drills. Our keyboarding drills help us to understand how to type without looking at our keyboards.
Keyboarding Drills Level 1
Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.
asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
Adsf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
Fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
Sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
Ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
Ask Dad Slash Glad Fall Sasha Lash Salsa Shall Jag Haha Lag
Flask Dahl Hall Salads Ashfall Laksa Khaf Gall Jaffa Flags
Asd Dad Slash Glad Fall Sasha Lash Salsa Shall Jag Haha Lag Flask Dahl Hall Salads Ashfall Laksa Khaf Gall Jaffa Flags
Daily 6,
Keyboarding Drills
Other: FreeRice
Today I played the synonym edition for free rice. In the end I mannaged to donate 700 grains of rice, meaning I answered 70 questions correctly!
Blog Commenting: My Comment I've Published
Today I posted a smart comment on Alex's blogpost. A smart comment is a comment that includes these things. A positive attitude, a question, encouragement, and a formal greeting.
Blog commenting
Inquiry: Hauora
L.I: There was no LI.
This week for inquiry we've been learning about Hauora. Hauora makes up of four parts, your physical health, your emotions, your social interactions (Your family and friends), and the spiritual parts of your life. We did two activities this week, making an infographic about one of the Hauora parts, while other people (Your group) would work on the other parts, and moving boxes into the right squares depending on what's written in the boxes. For the first activity I created the Taha Whanau (Social interactions) infographic, and worked with four other people. For the second activity I worked with Jonathan. Most of our answers were correct, but we had put 2 of them in the wrong square.
This week for inquiry we've been learning about Hauora. Hauora makes up of four parts, your physical health, your emotions, your social interactions (Your family and friends), and the spiritual parts of your life. We did two activities this week, making an infographic about one of the Hauora parts, while other people (Your group) would work on the other parts, and moving boxes into the right squares depending on what's written in the boxes. For the first activity I created the Taha Whanau (Social interactions) infographic, and worked with four other people. For the second activity I worked with Jonathan. Most of our answers were correct, but we had put 2 of them in the wrong square.

Reading: Fact Or Opinion
L.I: To separate fact from Opinion
L.I: To identify the main ideas in a text
This week for reading we did a small activity about fact and opinion. We had to watch a short clip from the movie Mystery Men, and then come up with 4 facts about the scene, and then come up with 4 opinions about the scene. After that activity we had to do a Main Idea Summery Frame about the scene. A fact is something that can be proven by a single answer, while on the other hand opinion is what 1+ people think of something, yet other people think otherwise. From this activity I've learnt about how to find a fact in a video or text, and how to find someones opinion in a video or text.
Scene Link
L.I: To identify the main ideas in a text
This week for reading we did a small activity about fact and opinion. We had to watch a short clip from the movie Mystery Men, and then come up with 4 facts about the scene, and then come up with 4 opinions about the scene. After that activity we had to do a Main Idea Summery Frame about the scene. A fact is something that can be proven by a single answer, while on the other hand opinion is what 1+ people think of something, yet other people think otherwise. From this activity I've learnt about how to find a fact in a video or text, and how to find someones opinion in a video or text.
Scene Link
Text title: Superhero Speech
Author: Mystery Men
I think the main idea of this text is about Shovelers speech about why they shouldn’t run away.
One example of a supporting detail is that the majority of the scene is Shoveler giving his speech about this topic.
Another example of a supporting detail is because the scenes name is Shovelers Speech, and that’s what the scene is about
It is clear that the main idea is about Shovelers speech about why they shouldn’t run away.
Because that’s what the scene is about both by name, and by what is seen.
Fact Or Opinion,
Friday, 18 August 2017
Other: Free Rice
Today I played the synonym edition for free rice. In the end I mannaged to donate 500 grains of rice, meaning I answered 50 questions correctly.
KiwiCan: KiwiCan Wk 4
This week for KiwiCan, we learnt about self control. We did two activities within our KiwiCan time, and I enjoyed every bit of it. The first activity was Bip Bob Bounce, and the rules were simple. Get into a circle, and one person with be in the middle. The centre person would point at any person around them, and either say Bip Bob Bounce, or Bounce. If the phrase Bip Bop Bounce is said, whoever is pointed at will have to say bang before the phrase is finished, although when you're pointed at and just the word bounce is said, you have to stay quiet. The second activity was GKQ (General Knowledge Questions). For GKQ, a group of people would stand up, and a question would be asked. There would be a buzzer for each KiwiCan session, and for this session our buzzer was turn around, touch the the ground, Bip, Bop, Bounce.
Daily 6: Level 2 Keyboarding Drills
Today I did the level 2 keyboarding drills. Our keyboarding drills help us to understand how to type without looking at our keyboards.
Keyboarding Drills Level 2
Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.
qwertyuiop poiuytrewq qwertyuiop poiuytrewq
qwertyuiop poiuytrewq qwertyuiop poiuytrewq
qawsedrftg p;olikujyh qawsedrftg p;olikujyh
qawsedrftg p;olikujyh qawsedrftg p;olikujyh
paosidug qhwjekrlt; paosidug qhwjekrlt;
paosidug qhwjekrlt; paosidug ahwjekrlt;
we too rip were equip quit yet tyre you peer pewter wore
two pie row toy retire pottery quite wire trip yew
we too rip were equip quit yet tyre you peer pewter wore
two pie row toy retire pottery quite wire trip yew
Pretty Owe Wrote Pet Your Pore Tower Rot Yoyo Out Witty
Tree Wet Our Require Io Up Ore Poetry Top Tour Putty
Pretty Owe Wrote Pet Your Pore Tower Rot Yoyo Out Witty
Tree Wet Our Require lo Up Ore Poetry Top Tour Putty
Daily 6,
Keyboarding Drills
Inquiry: Making An Advertisement
This week for inquiry, we had to pair up with someone, and together make an advertisement advertiseing food, or other items. I paired up with Jonathan, and together we made an advert about a computer. Our company name we created was J&J's Computer Ways, and our product was J&J's EXO Computer.
Click Here To Watch Advert
This week for inquiry, we had to pair up with someone, and together make an advertisement advertiseing food, or other items. I paired up with Jonathan, and together we made an advert about a computer. Our company name we created was J&J's Computer Ways, and our product was J&J's EXO Computer.
Click Here To Watch Advert
persuasive advertisements
Writing: Creating Our Own Persuasive Advertisements
L.I: to create our own advertisement
This week for writing, we had to create with our group an advertisement advertiseing anything we wanted. My group chose to do a stationery pack for children in school. We all had a role for the advertisement. Alex and Julian acted as classmates, Victoria acted as their teacher, Nyjah threw the stationery pack at Alex and Julian, Sakina held up the computer to record, and I semi recorded the advertisement, and edited it. Although before we could do any of that, we needed to understand the basics for when making an advertisement. We looked into what techniques are used to persuade people, what we would do to make an ad people enjoy watching, and we had to plan out or advertisement.
Click On This Link To See Advert
This week for writing, we had to create with our group an advertisement advertiseing anything we wanted. My group chose to do a stationery pack for children in school. We all had a role for the advertisement. Alex and Julian acted as classmates, Victoria acted as their teacher, Nyjah threw the stationery pack at Alex and Julian, Sakina held up the computer to record, and I semi recorded the advertisement, and edited it. Although before we could do any of that, we needed to understand the basics for when making an advertisement. We looked into what techniques are used to persuade people, what we would do to make an ad people enjoy watching, and we had to plan out or advertisement.
Click On This Link To See Advert
persuasive advertisements,
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Maths: Unfolding 3D Shapes
L.I: To unfold a 3D shape into a net.
L.I: To turn a 3D shape into a 2D shape.
This week for maths, we learnt about 2D nets. A net is the unfolded version of a 3 dimensional shape, so if I have a cube (A 3D square) then the net version of that would be a cross shaped net. For our must do we had to choose three 3D shapes, and draw a net of that shape. Here are my three shapes that I have done throughout the week.
Unfolding Shapes
Reading: Fact Or Opinion Recording Sheet | Selling Air: Lorax Movie
L.I: to separate fact from opinion
This week for reading we learnt about the differences from fact and opinion. For an example we watched a small clip from the Lorax Movie called Selling Air. A fact is something that can be proven by a single answer, while on the other hand opinion is what 1+ people think of something, yet other people think otherwise. We did this work on a Fact Or Opinion Recording Sheet, and had to include both 4 facts and opinions.
This week for reading we learnt about the differences from fact and opinion. For an example we watched a small clip from the Lorax Movie called Selling Air. A fact is something that can be proven by a single answer, while on the other hand opinion is what 1+ people think of something, yet other people think otherwise. We did this work on a Fact Or Opinion Recording Sheet, and had to include both 4 facts and opinions.
Fact Or Opinion,
Friday, 11 August 2017
Inquiry: Keeping Ourselves Safe Poster
L.I: There was no given learning intention for this activity.
This week for inquiry, with our topic being keeping ourselves safe we had to create a poster that demonstrated how to do that. We had to work with a partner (Who was Jonathan for me), and we had to include a title and information about the topic. Me and Jonathan also added bullet points to show each instruction and tip to keep safe.
This week for inquiry, with our topic being keeping ourselves safe we had to create a poster that demonstrated how to do that. We had to work with a partner (Who was Jonathan for me), and we had to include a title and information about the topic. Me and Jonathan also added bullet points to show each instruction and tip to keep safe.
Keeping Ourselves Safe
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Daily 6: Keyboarding Drills Level 3
Today I did the level 3 keyboarding drills. Our keyboarding drills help us to understand how to type without looking at our keyboards.
Keyboarding Drills Level 3
Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.
zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz
zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz
z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng
Z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C> VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C> VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
man van can cab ban nab men no box cob mob mom come
bun bane vane mane maze mix mine zone cave vine no one
man van can cab ban nab men no box cob mob mom come
bun bane vane mane maze mix mine zone cave vine no one
Been Mean Cane Main Nice Vein Vain Zone Bunny Baby Money Yummy Nunn Bobby
Been Mean Cane Main Nice Vein Vain Zone Bunny Baby Money
Yummy Nunn Bobby
“Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack”
“Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow”
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
“Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack”
“Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow”
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Daily 6,
Keyboarding Drills
Maths: Scaling A Shape To Make It Bigger Or Smaller
L:I: To scale 2D shapes using times tables.
This week for maths, we learnt about scaling a shape, and how it changes the shapes appearance. We had to show a regular shape that's been scaled on paper, with both the measurements of the shapes unit size, and the angle of each point. We then had to make either a video, presentation with a voice over (What I did), or a graphic. Our video, presentation, or graphic needed to guide the person viewing it how to scale a shape.
Scaling Shapes
KiwiCan: Emotion Activities
This week for KiwiCan, we continued to learn about our emotions. We did a few activities that include emotions, and a lot of them were really fun and entertaining. The first activity we did was Selfie, the rules were simple, get into groups and your group would be told any emotion, then you have 5 seconds to pretend to be in a selfie going through that emotion. Our other activity was to put pieces of paper that had an emotion in order of what is the worst, to the best. Then Mr Malu and Miss Latoia (Our KiwiCan instructors) would put them in the correct order, we would then be told how many we got correct.
Reading EXTENSION: An Info-graphic To Show The Differences Of Skimming And Scanning
This week as an extension to our reading, we had to make an info-graphic (Information With Pictures) showing the differences between skimming and scanning. An example we were given was that skimming is like an aeroplane, knowing they pass things quite fast, and can't stay in one place when flying. The example we were given for scanning was a helicopter, because they can hover over one area without moving.
Skimming And Scanning
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Commenting: My Comment I've Published
Today I posted a smart comment on Alex's blogpost. A smart comment is a comment that includes these things. A positive attitude, a question, encouragement, and a formal greeting.
Blog commenting
Writing: Persuasive Advertisements
L.I: We are learning to be able to identify what makes an effective advert.
This week for writing, we had to watch a few advertisements. After watching them we had to go through a check list of questions about each advertisement. We had to answer questions such as what product is being sold? Who do you think would buy it? Whether the advertisement was persuasive? etc.
This week for writing, we had to watch a few advertisements. After watching them we had to go through a check list of questions about each advertisement. We had to answer questions such as what product is being sold? Who do you think would buy it? Whether the advertisement was persuasive? etc.
Name of product
The new Subway menu.
Who do you think the intended buyer is?
People who like Subway
What kind of advert is it?
TV Yes Radio Magazine Poster | |
How do they try to persuade you to buy it?
With pictures
With words
With music
With questions: Yes
With jokes: Yes
With catchphrases
With jingles
Other: ____________________
Do you think it is a good advert?
Yes And No
So it’s an ok advertisement!
There is a lot of persuading, and a few jokes, but a lot of things are told really fast that you can’t understand what is being said.
Would you buy the product? Yes No
No = Alex
Yes = Jack
Alex = Because for me subway doesn’t taste nice.
Jack = Because the last time I had Subway, I found it quite appetising, and I like the option to create your own meal.
| |
Do you think the advert is honest? Yes
Because it didn’t seem that there was anything incorrect about what the advertisement spoke about.
| |
What words do they use to sell the product?
Tasty, yummy, fresh.
persuasive advertisements,
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