
Friday 6 September 2019

Maths: Krispy Kreme Maths Challenge

This week for maths, the Heptagons, and Octagons were given a maths challenge. This challenge included 1 ginormous Krispy Kreme's donut box. Our challenge was to make an estimation of how many donuts were in the box. What we were given was a link to an email screenshot which showed a few of the hints we needed to be able to figure it out.  This included the diameter of each donut, the length and height of the box, and a good luck to schools trying to figure the answer out. For this activity I worked with Julian, and we had just as much fun creating the DLO as we did with finding the answer. You can see in our DLO our first estimations just by looking at the box, and the working out for the real answer.

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