
Monday, 22 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Week 2 Day 1 BONUS ACTIVITY

Today I did the bonus activity for day 1 week 2 of the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, we needed to read a poem named In Flanders Fields, and give our thoughts on it. After reading this poem, it really did remind me about tragedies that occurred in World War 1, and the fight they pulled off for our freedom. I do like this poem, and it must've taken time in the making of it.


  1. Kia Ora Jack,

    Cadence here from the Summer Learning Journey team!

    A great response to this activity Jack! I agree, I wonder how long it took to write this poem?

    Also, you are correct in saying the poem was written for the First World War. Do you know why they used poppies as a symbol?

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Don’t forget to make your blog posts ‘aesthetically pleasing’ by including a photo or something to draw the reader in.

    Cadence :)

  2. Hello Jack
    Well done on completing this summer learning journey activity. There certainty were plenty of tragedies in the two world wars with so many people dying for their countries. Keep up the awesome work Jack!
