
Monday, 1 April 2019

Maths: Blog Post Data Analysis

This week, everyone has been given a challenge. This challenge was to create a blog post analysis that tells people how many blog posts we have posted each month of each year that we have had a device. Although Mrs Anderson wanted to give Alex, Julian and I more of a challenge. What we now put into our DLO's was the amount of comments and blog posts we posted and received each month. Now this was still really tough, although we had come up with a variation of ways to make the process faster. First, once we had our numbers to work with, we needed to pull up a Spreadsheet, and create different graphs that would each show our yearly and monthly progress. Then we needed to put our graphs onto a presentation, along with an explanation on why we got so many or so little comments and posts. Finally we just needed to create a Screencastify of us reading everything out. This activity was a lot of fun, and we hope for another activity just like it.

1 comment:

  1. A fabulous blog post Jack! I am so pleased you enjoyed the challenge of analysing both your comments and your blog post totals. Have you worked out how many blog posts you would need each week to reach you 200 blog post goal? Knowing this information will help you stay on track. Well done!
    Mrs A :)
