
Friday 7 April 2017

Pollutants And How They Get Into The Stormwater Drains, And If We Have Seen Then In Tamaki

L.I: To describe and define the water cycle in a local setting.

For this part of Te Taiao O Tamaki Water cycle, we had to do  a brainstorm about pollutants, and how they get into stormwater drains, and if we have seen them in Johnson Reserve and the Tamaki River.

How do they get into the stormwater?
What do you see in Tamaki? Johnson Reserve, Tamaki River
Rubbish such as drink can and plastic bottles/bags
If it is small enough the rain can wash it in or people shove it into stormwater drains.
Sometimes plastic / glass bottles
If the paint is still runny the rain can wash it into the drain.
Have never seen paint in river.
Food Waste
When people drop it in or leave it on the ground, and either the wind could blow the food into the drains or rain could wash it in.
Yes I have seen food waste in river.
Animal Faeces
When left out it can wash into drain.
Have never seen animal faeces in river.
If dug can drop into drains.
Have never seen soil in river.
Lawn Clippings, garden rubbish, rotting plants
If cut or loose rain can take it into drains.
Have never seen any of these in river.
Herbicides, pesticides, garden fertiliser
If too much used some could still be there and when it rains it can mix and go into drains.
Have never seen or hear anything about these products.
Grease and Oil
If drips rain will mix with it and wash into drains.
Yes I have seen oil in river.
If chemicals

Air Pollution
If the air is polluted it can go into drains and into the oceans water.
No I have not seen any air pollution in river.
Heavy Metals
Some metals could be dropped into drains.
No I have never seen any metals in river.
Soapy Water
If washing vehicle or house, since most driveways go downhill the soapy water travels down the driveway and into the drains.
Have never seen soapy water in river.
If left out or thrown out water will wash it into drains.
No I have never seen paper in the Tamaki river.
Bits of Rubbish
If someone throws rubbish on ground or it falls the rain will wash it into drains.
Sometimes have seen rubbish in river.

African Jungle Ecosystem DLO

L.I: to investigate the effects of organisms on their ecosystem.

For this part of Te Taiao O Tamaki Ecosystem, we had to make a DLO about a type of ecosystem. It had to show what each part of the ecosystem is, and examples of them.

The Water Cycle Poster

L.I: To understand the water cycle.

For this part of Te Taiao O Tamaki WaterCycle, we had to describe the definition of, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. We then had to make a poster showing what each part of the water cycle does.

The Consequence When You Don't Put Your Rubbish In The Right Place

L.I: to make a connection with our environment.
L.I: To persuade our community to make a change.

For this part of Te Taiao O Tamaki WaterCycle, we had to create a, poster, animation, or Presentation about something that is breaking the water cycle, and persuade everyone to make a change. We would work with a partner and chose what's wrong together. I worked with Joseph, and we're both proud of what we have created.

Pollutance In Tamaki

L.I: To describe and define the water cycle in local setting.

For this part of Te Taiao O Tamaki, we had to do a mix and match activity about pollutants. What we did was get with a group of 3 or 4, and try to put the correct labels with the correct effects. Mr Ogilvie then gave us the correct answers and got us to find out how many of them we got right.

The Effect
  • Damages gills so fish can’t breathe
  • Poison’s animals
  • Burns plants
  • Causes cancer in fish
  • Creates a barrier that stops oxygen from getting in water
  • Causes serious damage
  • Stops light from getting into the water
  • Poisonous to creatures whole come into contact with them
  • Rot and Decay in water using up oxygen
  • Fills the gaps in rock that fish live in
  • Reduces water clarity and interferes with vision
  • Affects the growth of plants, which can disrupt the food chain
  • Toxic to fish
  • Removes oxygen and makes it hard for fish to breath